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A Fine Waste of a Lunch Break

Updated: Dec 21, 2022

After a morning of clock watching, she felt a shiver of anticipation as she pressed her thighs tight together, her fist bunched and resting on her gusset. Midday. A slight throb in her pussy made her clear her throat. She stood up, smoothing down her knee length pencil skirt, and headed for the rest room. Inside, she looked in the mirror and noted her slightly flushed cheeks. She smiled, then rummaged in her handbag for a while before squirting on a little fresh perfume. As she walked through the office complex she drew hungry stares from lonely men and women at identical work stations. Another throb, as she stood alone in the lift. This time she allowed herself a gentle groan, leaning back against the tinted mirror, hand falling to her upper thigh but stopping short of her crotch. She remembered. No touching. Not yet.

The day was unseasonably warm but there was still a clip of a chill in the shade. Her heels clicked on the pavements as she made her way to her car, aware of the glances she attracted from the other office workers idling along, already starting on wasting their lunch breaks. A particularly strong throb as she reached for the door of her car made her almost stumble, made her reach out instead and feel the heat of the sun on the paint of the roof beneath her palm. A moment later she slid into the driver’s seat and, looking up and down the street, shut the door with a solid click. Taking a deep breath, she opened the glove box and took out a plain A4 envelope that bulged towards the bottom. Tipping it onto her lap she saw a navy blue jewellery box, which she opened. Inside lay a transparent nub of plastic. Inside it appeared to be a small piece of electronic circuitry, while a centimetre-long wire, topped with a tiny globe, stuck out from the side. She stared at it for some seconds, eventually reaching out a slow hand which halted over the box. A fat pulse of sensation erupted in her cunt, making her groan once more, louder than the last time, accompanied by an involuntary flaring of the nostrils. Without waiting for it to subside, and with trembling fingers she picked the nub up and fumbled it into her left ear. The drop in background noise quickly turned into a slight buzz. Ten pulses lit up her sex, a second between each, her hands clenched and her head pushed back against the seat. His voice in her ear; “Are you ready?”

She’d met him in a beer garden the summer before, giddy on sun and wine. He was Irish and funny and dirty. They fucked whenever they agreed to meet. Then they fucked when he said so. Which she liked. He worked for a private investigation company based in the city. He was very good.

“If I think you’re trying to see where I might be, you get a five second burst. If you don’t do what I tell you within three seconds, you get a five second burst. If you do everything I ask, I promise you you’ll come like you could only dream of. Are you wet? Nod if you are.” She nodded vigorously. “It’s hot, open your blouse ‘til a bit of lace shows.” Tilting the rear view mirror down, she did as she was told, until the smoky blue lace of her bra was visible between the ivory silk. “Fuck it, undo another one. Why not make someone’s day?” Where was he? He must be close, but she couldn’t see anything or anyone suspicious within sight of her swivelling eyes. “Get out of the car and head back towards work.” A thrill of nervousness fluttered in her, the idea of being seen, recognised… She manoeuvred out of the car, feeling the smoothness of the plastic clip move against her pubic mound as she stood. Shut the door, and felt her knees buckle as a wave of vibration swept through her from her clit to the hot depth of her cunt. She slumped against the car. A hand touched her arm. “Are you alright love?” She nodded and waved away the middle aged man in the hard hat and hi-vis vest, who stepped back, eyes sliding to the bare skin and blue lace between her breasts. As she walked on shaky legs back the way she’d come, his voice broke the white noise in her ears. “Just so’s you know what will happen if you don’t follow my instructions. Just so’s you know.”

His voice, flat and calm, directed her into the sandwich bar fifty yards away from her office. As instructed she queued to buy a banana and as she got to the till received a brief bolt of pleasure, making her bite off a squeak which drew a look from the young man behind the counter. Red-faced, she paid, aware that her nipples were poking through her bra and thin blouse. A dull glow of arousal sat in her gut as she left.

Heels clacking on the warm pavement, she walked towards the small park, torn between excitement and trepidation as she saw how many people were taking their lunches there. “Sit on that bench. The one with the fat guy on it.” She did as she was told, and felt a brief revulsion as she saw the man’s nostrils quiver, taking in her heavy perfume. Pulling out a newspaper, he turned to her slightly, right leg crossing over the other at the knee. “He’s done that so he can look at you out of the corner of his eye. Look at your bra. Hope to see a nipple.” She sat rigid. Waiting. Dreading and drenched. “Eat the banana. Nicely. Cross your legs towards him and turn slightly.” She did as she was told, and was rewarded with a low but constant thrum from the sex toy that held her from the top of her slit to inches inside her; a slim and sensuous u-shaped toy, a vibrator at each end. Various settings. Controlled by the man who was following her and guiding her through her lunch break. She realised her breathing was becoming more rapid, and that she was sweating a little. She knew that the large man less than a foot away from her was looking at her more and more brazenly. Felt slightly repulsed. But carried on taking small nibbles of the banana all the same, while feeling more and more and more aroused. “When you finish the banana, drop the skin on the ground at your feet. He’ll look at it. When he looks back up, lift your hand and peel back the cup of your bra. Let him see your nipple. Then go to the ladies toilets behind the pond.” Her stomach tightened and she almost stopped the game then and there but instead she did as she was told. As the man looked up from the banana skin she looked him in the eye, quickly raised a hand to her chest, and tugged the top of the cup down, revealing a small pink nipple that stood proud from her soft breast. A throb caressed

her cunt, but this time it didn’t come from the machine gripping her; it was her own arousal. She stood and left the man sat there, mouth slightly open and a lump in his trousers.

As she wound her way through the walkers and those sat on the grass she received a short stab from the toy. She was so moist that she wondered if the toy might slip out and fall at her feet. The toilet, yes. He’d be there and finish her in the toilet. That would be like him, he liked to make her come in crowded places. The theatre, pubs, trains. Stab. “Go into the end cubicle.” Stab. “Pull your skirt up, panties down, and sit.” Stab. “Take out your compact and look at yourself down there.” Stab. Where was he? Stab. The pulses came more regularly, and she stifled a moan as she heard other women entering and leaving the cubicles. “Keep looking at it. At what I put in you this morning. At what’s inside your cunt.” His words excited her beyond belief, made her wetter, but she daren’t move to bring herself to an orgasm. She stared at the mirror, seeing the shiny lilac pad covering her slit, the skin glistening either side of it, a mixture of sweat and her deep arousal. Throb throb throbthrobthrob. He was building her slowly up, and try though she might, groans were escaping her lips. Her compact fell to the floor and her head fell back. Muffled sounds came from behind tightly shut lips, her hands were balled on her thighs. Almost. Almost there… “Go and wash your hands, then walk to the alley behind the High Street.”

The looks of the three women who’d been by the sinks when she’d left the cubicle stayed with her even after she’d left the toilet block. She was part mortified, part elated. One of them had winked at her as they both leant towards the mirror, rinsing the suds from their hands. As she’d stepped out into the sun, his invisible hand turned on the constant thrum again. She felt a build-up of something dirty in the pit of her tummy, something uncoiling itself as she felt the few inhibitions she had melt away. The idea of the alley excited her beyond belief. Sordid, nasty place… Somewhere to be used by her man. A pulse made her grunt. This time she didn’t try to suppress it but walked purposefully towards the turning where bins and boxes were piled on either side, and the occasional shuttered loading bay made the place feel cold and unwelcoming. More throbs, more grunts, getting steadily more guttural. She was soaking her panties, she could feel the toy moving inside her with each step but it still delivered thudding charges to her swollen cunt. She walked on.

“Halfway down on the left there is a recess. Inside is a wooden crate. When you get to it remove the toy and put it in your bag. Put the bag by the crate and bend over it. Pull your skirt over your arse and push your panties to your knees, and wait. Maybe you’ll get lucky and it’ll be me who gets to you first. Oh, and right now I want you to open your blouse and push your breasts over your bra.”

Now? There was still fifty yards to go. Anyone could walk out and see her… She’d taken too long thinking it through. A wave of sensation crashed into her cunt, dropping her to one knee. Her sweaty hair fell over her face as again and again strong pulses brought her close to tipping over into coming and coming… After an age it stopped. “Naughty naughty.” She stood upright, as the spasms deep inside her lessened. She unbuttoned her blouse completely and bared her breasts, as he’d asked. No, demanded. A slight breeze stiffened her aching nipples still further as she walked along,

praying for no one to suddenly appear, but half wanting someone to anyway. As she neared the recess and saw the crate she expected to hear something, his footsteps, or his voice coming from nearby. “Don’t make me stop this. Do as I’ve asked.” She jumped as once again his voice came from the nub in her ear. Tugging her skirt to mid-thigh she reached into her soaking underwear and slid the toy out and away from her, electric sparks seeming to lick over her swollen and wet lips. Leaning forward, she rucked the skirt up to her hips, reached behind and pulled her panties down as far as she could reach, and bent over the crate, supporting herself on her forearms. She was panting, from arousal, from the fear of being seen by someone, and a low moan built up in her throat. She heard a footstep grate on the dirt of the alley floor, close. “You want a cock. You want a cock to finish you off.” The voice was still in her ear. She strained to hear it nearby too but couldn’t. “You want any cock right now. Mine… a stranger’s… Nod if that’s true.” With arousal mixed with dread thickening her throat she nodded heavily, hair swaying damp against her forehead. The footsteps slowly came closer. She shivered and leant further forward as though trying to gain some distance from what was about to happen. Her breasts grazed the gritty top of the crate. “You just want to be released. To come until your legs shake. Don’t you?” Again she nodded, still unable to hear his actual voice, rather that the tinny version in her ear. Footsteps stopping behind her. She could sense a presence. Her breath catching in her throat she began to feel the knot of need in her stomach slither apart, coils of hot arousal from her anus to her clit. Her hips swayed slightly, pushing her buttocks back and forth an inch at a time. The voice, still in her ear whispered “Say cock.” She breathed in raggedly. ‘Cock…’ Hands gripping her hips, the hot dab of male glans pushed onto her burning skin, slippery with pre-cum. A strangers cock. Finding her slit, hips pulled back as the head slips over her hole once, twice, then slides into her wetness. A hand finds her breast and rolls the nipple between finger and thumb. The cock pulls back then pushes forward powerfully, making her gasp. She feels the weight of his balls against the inside of her thighs. The throbbing builds deep inside her, the muscles in her legs begin to spasm, her tongue seems too big for her mouth. A hand fumbles at her ear and the nub is pulled out and dropped. The cock plunges into her faster and faster and she feels herself falling into a moment of sheer and overwhelming lust. Her arse slams back to meet each thrust that hammers into her as everything builds and builds. A thumb pushes into her mouth. She licks and sucks at it wildly as her head is pulled back and a wet mouth kisses her ear. The final explosive thrusts tip her over into thunderous volleys of orgasm and she hears his voice, his voice, say “Come for me…”

In his car, parked halfway back to the road, the recorder continues to relay his voice to the nub, dropped and forgotten between their feet.

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